poniedziałek, 31 marca 2014

Cup Cakes

Hi! Today it’s a good day! How I know it? I just know!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing! It’s spring!
But if my worlds don’t make you happy I have a surprise for you!
Yesterday I made yummy chocolate muffins. Don’t they look delicious? J


It’s a perfect thing when you don’t have any sweets at home and you have a big desire for a chocolate. To do this dessert you will need only 30 minuts!          
 So… do you want recipe?
·        2 cup flour
·        1 cup sugar
·        2 tablespoons of cocoa (or more, if you need a big shot of chocolate)
·        2 teaspoons baking powder
·        1 cup milk
·        100g  melted butter
·        2 eggs
·        1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

Step 1
Mix all dry ingredients.

Step 2
Add rest components. Mix everything with a spoon. If you have a mixer, you will do it faster.

Step 3
Put muffin cups into form. Fill with cake.

Step 4

Bake about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.  Enjoy your meal! J

Why not moved to the USA

Why not moved to the USA

As I told you before, the USA is a great place connected with having a rest, spending our free time and of course having fun. If you decide to go there on holidays or something like that, you definitely won’t be disappointed. But if you want to move to one of America’s countries, you’ll have to take into consideration every aspects of living there. I would like to show you one of these, which, in my opinion, won’t invite you there…  
This huge discouragement can be caused by really strange… law. Yeah, I know that your response to my words can be like “OMG, but I’m a normal person, I’m not a thief, killer, shoplifter or something like that… I won’t have  problems with law.” And of course, partly you are right. But only with it that you aren’t hoodlum. Nevertheless it still doesn't change the fact that living there you'll have a big ‘opportunity’ of unconsciously offences. The point is that in the USA a lot of actions which in other parts of the world are considered to be the normal, are forbidden.  What’s more, these which affects on  increase in crime and don't go hand in hand with common sense are permitted.
To begin with, I would like to mention about campaign made by the organization Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America”, which refers to the legal provision which threaten kids safety.  The whole action has been illustrated by a few photos showing two children in typical school rooms with one 'detail' contrasting with the whole configuration. This standing out element is a huge rifle which is being held by one of the young students. The campaign asks directly to recipients, inducing that they try to answer on seemingly trivial question, which changes their point of view. The most important question which is asked by the organization:  „One child is holding something that’s been banned in America to protect them. Guess which one”. At first you think that the correct answer is ‘gun’, don’t you? Of course, it isn’t. Unfortunately, a sentence placed in the lower part of the photo explains us what is really banned. For example:

Explanation is: „We keep 'Little Red Riding Hood' out of schools because of the bottle of wine in her basket. Why not assault weapons?” So, as you can see, the law sometimes can be very surprising. Of course, despite this fact, most of people living there are alive and well, but prohibitions such as those could be very inconvenient in daily life. 

Aleksandra Krawczyk 

sobota, 29 marca 2014



I think it's time to say goodbye to our winter!!! It was great to have snow and frost. But I'm sure that we all cannot wait until spring finally comes. It’s the time when nature starts waking up for life and the sun begins to warm us making people happy. When the days become longer and the nights warmer. Through it all our attitude and willingness to work will begin to grow up so it will make our life funnier and much easier. 
This peaceful sunset shows quietly leaving winter. Let's enjoy the spring !!!!

Karolina Urbanowicz

wtorek, 25 marca 2014

"Fifty Shades of Grey" - Book Review

 "Fifty Shades of Grey" is a story written by E.L James. I wanted to read this book when I saw a description of it for the first time. It's charged with very strong desire and emotions... And it became 1st place in the prestigious list of magazine 'The New York Times!"


Anastasia Steele studies literature. She is a quiet and secretive person who lives with her friend Kate. One day she
is obligeted to make an interview with Christian Grey - very rich entrepreneur. Extremely handsome and brilliant man awakes in a young girl a lot of conflicting emotions. He fascinates her but, at the same time, she is scared of him and she doesn't know what his intentions are. Anastasia, convinced that her meeting with Christian isn't successful, tries to forget about him. But he comes to the shop where she works and asks her about second meeting...
Young, innocent girl with astonishment discovers that she desires this mysterious and attractive man. Ana starts
to understand what is the real, deep desire. But she isn't alone in her fascination. She doesn't know that Christian wants her on his own conditions and he always must take control of everything...

How will end this fascinating romance? Read the book and you will know. I recommend it to everyone who wants to experience stronger emotions.

Natalia Korona

niedziela, 16 marca 2014

"Dear John" book review

 "Dear John" , written by Nicholas Sparks, is a book which I read about one year ago. I really fell in love with this story, so I want to tell you something about it.


John Tyree is a young guy, who joins the army after he finishes high - school. He gains more courage, he experiences how true, male life looks like. One day he comes to his family town - Wilmington, which is situated in North Carolina, America. During his pass in the army he meets Savannah - the girl of his dreams. She is 2 years younger than him, she studies pedagogics. She is in Wilmington because she builds houses for poor families with her friends.
  Between Savannah and John happens something totally unexpected. They fell in love with each other. Savannah promises to wait for John, until he comes back from service in the army. He also discovers that he wants to create a family with her. When 11th of September comes, John extends his stay in the army. Unfortunately, his partnership with Savannah doesn't withstand this long separation. In the farewell letter she informs John that she fell in love with someone else. But time isn't good for a very deep wound in John's heart. When he comes home after a few years in the army, he dreams only about one thing - to hold his sweetheart in his arms again...

  I cried when I was reading this book. It's very emotional and sad, because it shows how the long distance can embroil two people, who were very important for themselves... I recommend it to everyone, starting on teenagers, ending on adults. Go to the library or bookstore and buy it!!

Natalia Korona

środa, 12 marca 2014

Crispy Strawberry Tart


We aren’t professional cooks, but we want to show you how to cook and have a good time!
Last time we felt spring and we remainded that we have a red, juicy strawberry in our freezer!
If you have a fresh fruits it’s better! We will need this red delights to do our first dish.
So lets do that!

Crispy strawberry tart:

Ingredients which you need:

- 2 cups flour
- 1 cube of butter (200 grams)
- ½ cup sugar
- 1  egg
- 2 the eggs yolks
- 1 package of vanilla sugar
For mousse:
- strawbeeries
- sugar to taste

1) Sieve the flour on a pastry board. Add butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, eggs and eggs yolks. Chop, knead. Refrigerate dough hour. Strawbeeries wash. Fruits sprinkle with sugar and overcook mousse.

2) Put ⅓ of chilled pastry, the rest thin roll out. Mold for tarts thin smear with grease and sprinkle with flour.  Put it with cake pressing to the bottom and the edge. On the tart bottom smear mousse.

3) Roll out the remaining dough. Cut up in strips. Chacked arrange them on top of the cake. Bake about 35 minutes in 180 degrees.  Bon appetit!!!

One portion contains: 390 kcal

niedziela, 9 marca 2014

"Black Beauty" - book review

     One of the books I really enjoy (and also my favorite one) is "Black Beauty" - the story about amazing horse with extensive past. This beautiful story is written by Anna Sewell in 1994. We can also watch it on TV, because there is a film based on the book.
      The action takes place in twentieth century. Black Beauty tells us about trust and betrayal. His life isn't always  colorful and happy. He changes his owners many times, he sees how different can be people's characters. Beauty also says about his friendship with other horses and about inseparable bond between him and some people on his way. He must walk very courageously through his life. He has to endure separation with everything what he loves to finally come to an end, be happy again and, even if it is hard, learn to trust people. Of course, he achieves peace at the end of his life in delicious place full of water, grass and sunlight with his owner from the past - Joe. His troubles are over and he is at home.

This story always makes me cry. I really like reading it, despite the fact it is very sad and melancholic. In the film there are beautiful soundtracks, which perfectly fit with the scenes and actors perform their roles well.
I recommend Black Beauty to all horse-lovers... but not only to them. If you are such a sensitive person, your heart will be moved after reading a book about beautiful friendship between people and animals.

Natalia Korona

The Oscars 2014

2nd March 2014 - there was the Oscar ceremony which took place  at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

It is the most important ceremony that honors the actors, technical achievements, and films. Everyone who works in this business has always dreamed about this award.  The ceremony  presented awards in 24 categories.
This year’s gala was guided by Ellen DeGeneres. She hosted the show for the second time.

The winners :

 BEST PICTURE - 12 Years a Slave (Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Steve McQueen and Anthony Katagas, Producers)

ACTOR in a Leading Role - Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club )


ACTRESS in a Leading Role - Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)

ACTOR in a Supporting Role - Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)

ACTRESS in a Supporting Role - Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave)

CINEMATOGRAPHY- Gravity (Emmanuel Lubezki)

DIRECTING - Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón)


ANIMATED FEATURE FILM - Frozen (Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee and Peter Del Vecho)

And many others...

Gravity won seven awards, most of the whole ceremony. The biggest loser is Leonardo DiCaprio, because he was nominated four times and he didn’t  win even once. I cross my fingers and I think he will win next  

 Alicja Kowalska

środa, 5 marca 2014


think that the best place where we can move to is Miami. This breathtaking American’s city is located on the Atlantic coast in Florida. Miami has a tropical monsoon climate with long, hot, humid summers and short, warm winters. It’s seems to me that it’s closely connected with the fact why people prefer living there. I’m convinced that the most of us favor these warmer parts of the world where it’s possible to connect our responsibilities with relax. The point is, as we know, that there are both huge skyscrapers where we have an opportunity for working and of course impressive beaches, where we can have a rest after tiring day.

In reference to recreation you should know that picturesque Miami is also known as the most important centre of world culture, media and obviously entertainment. There are a lot of amusement parks, theaters, museums, cinemas and the others.  

Furthermore, we should also focus on figures which show that Miami is  "The America's Cleanest City".  They have been made basing on clean air, water, streets, a lot of green areas and recycling programs. In other words, if you want to live in clear city without pollution, go to Miami.   

Returning to job topic, this civilization is the richest of the whole USA. It's important to mention that we can find there at every turn a lot of corporations and enterprises which are connected with the social business and economic development of the state. In my opinion it’s very essentials because of many workplaces.

Another significant point is that Miami has got one of the most magnificent and scenic panorama in the world. In consequence this city is really often visited by tourists all around the world, but don’t worry. You will be so fascinated the view of the beach beaming in the glow of the sun and skyscrapers shimmering like diamonds that you  won't even notice  these crowds of people. By the way, a person who wants to go to Miami, to be honest, has to spend a pretty penny...so  I think that it could be the people for whom this sight is familiar and they won’t scream under your window how beautiful is there.        

I would like to say in conclusion, that this place is really worth recommending and for sure you won’t be disappointed.


Ola Krawczyk



"Chce się żyć" is a Polish film that was released this year. It is a drama about disabled boy, who tries to adapt to live with other people. The main character is Dawid Ogrodnik who plays the role of Mateusz Rosiński.


The plot is very interesting. Mateusz has been like a plant since his birth. His mother does everything what she can to make her son's life better. She teaches him how to walk, she feeds him, she pays him a lot of attention. Mateusz can't communicate with people around him - he doesn't speak.
When his mother is too old and too sick to deal with taking care of her disabled son, she gives him to the special center. From time to time she visits him, but Mateusz isn't happy - he can't find himself there. When he meets some nice girl who looks after him, his condition is becoming better. But it doesn't last long - she leaves him. When Mateusz turns 26, it's possible to communicate with him by using symbols and signs. This film is based on the true history.
I really liked the acting (especially of the main role - Dawid Ogrodnik, because he did it perfectly) and calm atmosphere of this film. There are no special effects and surprising moments, but when you see someone like Mateusz, who is suffering a lot, you just can't stop your eyes from crying.
To sum up, if you like dramas and sad films, you'll be satisfied of this production. I would recommend it to you, because people often don't appreciate the most valuable gift in their life - health.

Natalia Korona


“Hot. Cool. Gold-Winter Olympics in Sochi in the eyes of the Poles.”
The end. The Olympic flame was extinguished and the Winter Olympics in Sochi passed into history. More than two weeks of struggling, which provided us with unforgettable emotions and a lot of joy. Time to make a summary. What were the Olympic Games for Polish people ?
In total, we have accumulated about 10 chances to medal. That's a lot, considering the fact that in the history of the Winter Olympic Games our team had gained a few medals. All the experts were confident that our players will compete in Sochi to get the highest goals. Among the athletes who could make a surprise at the Olympics there was also mentioned Karolina Riemen - Żerebecka, who specializes in ski-cross.
Beautiful Winter Games began on February 7 and ended seventeen days later. On thefirst day of Olympic struggles we had a good chance to get a medal. Eighth day of February, in the race combined for 15 kilometers, started Polish queen of cross-country  -Justyna Kowalczyk. Unfortunately, that day we could not enjoy the first Olympic disc. Justyna took sixth place, which can be considered as a success due to the fact that Polish cross-country participant had her foot broken. Another day and a great joy in Poland. Ski jumping competition on standard  hill - Kamil Stoch  won the gold medal - the third in the history of  Poland and the first at the Olympic Games . He won it indisputably. He defeated his rivals by a wide margin, and deservedly a day later he was able to pick up the gold medal at the Olympic Park and listen to the national anthem.
For the next medal in Sochi we  were waiting only four days, but it was worth it. During the run for 10 km classic technique Justyna Kowalczyk has shown the will to fight and was Olympic champion. That situation should not be surprising, because the classical style and distance, at which Justyna was running,  was her favorite and if she could dream of gold at the Olympics, it was that race! Kowalczyk won thanks to style - beating rivals with a huge advantage. You can tell that rivals have to deal with Kowalczyk, because Justyna actually knocked out her opponents.
At that point, we had two Olympic gold medals, which is what our athletes had won during the previous 90 years. But this is not the end of a beautiful dream of Olympic. The best day before coming. Saturday 15 February passed into the history of Polish sport. That day we won two gold medals in the history of performances at the Olympic Games, both summer and winter , the days can be counted on the fingers of one hand . First, Zbigniew Bródka - a firefighter from a small village in the south of Poland- overtook the Dutch speed skating star - Koen Verweij of 0.003 seconds and won the first medal for the men's speed skaters. Dutchman (for a long time) could not accept to be defeated and insulted our contestant because speed skating in the Netherlands is the national sport and the silver medal in the Olympic Games is treated as a huge lose.
 Beautiful day, however, had not finished. In the evening, on the large hill, Kamil Stoch “jumped” another gold medal at the Olympic Games. Double Olympic gold before him had been won only by two people - Matti Nykaenen and Simon Amman. Kamil Stoch made the history, not only of Polish sport , but also the world’s. Over the next days we did not have a big hope for Olympic medals, because our players competed not too often. On the last Saturday of winter struggle we again experienced great emotions and moments of joy. That day our team in speed skating, male and female, won their medals. Men group, composed by Zbigniew Bródka, Jan Szymański and Konrad Niedźwiedzki, after the victory over Canada won bronze. Women, in the composition of Katarzyna Bachleda - Curuś, Katarzyna Woźniak, Luiza Złotkowska and Natalia Czerwonka, won Olympic runners, yielding only great  team from the Netherlands. In total, at the Winter Olympics in Sochi Polish group gained six medals: four gold, one silver and one bronze. We are really proud of them :)

Mateusz Kowalski