niedziela, 9 marca 2014

"Black Beauty" - book review

     One of the books I really enjoy (and also my favorite one) is "Black Beauty" - the story about amazing horse with extensive past. This beautiful story is written by Anna Sewell in 1994. We can also watch it on TV, because there is a film based on the book.
      The action takes place in twentieth century. Black Beauty tells us about trust and betrayal. His life isn't always  colorful and happy. He changes his owners many times, he sees how different can be people's characters. Beauty also says about his friendship with other horses and about inseparable bond between him and some people on his way. He must walk very courageously through his life. He has to endure separation with everything what he loves to finally come to an end, be happy again and, even if it is hard, learn to trust people. Of course, he achieves peace at the end of his life in delicious place full of water, grass and sunlight with his owner from the past - Joe. His troubles are over and he is at home.
This story always makes me cry. I really like reading it, despite the fact it is very sad and melancholic. In the film there are beautiful soundtracks, which perfectly fit with the scenes and actors perform their roles well.
I recommend Black Beauty to all horse-lovers... but not only to them. If you are such a sensitive person, your heart will be moved after reading a book about beautiful friendship between people and animals.

Natalia Korona

1 komentarz:

  1. I really like this post. The book is fantastic. It is very sad and touching. I am delighted. :)
