środa, 7 maja 2014

Live longer

Live longer

Nowadays, on streets we can find more and more people, who are livinglonger than 100 years! What's the secret? What could we do, if we wantto live as long as these people?
First of all - a moderate diet. Maybe it's obvious, but not everyoneremembers about it. We should eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and lesssweets, meat (it also must be, only not too much). On our healthaffect also a lifestyle, care of our teeth, sleep, air etc. You canbeing born to parents who themselves lived long lives, anyway theserules are very helpful for everyone.
On the other hand, the rise in centenarians (people over the age of100) can’t be explained by genetics alone. The reasons include betterhealthcare, improving medical treatments, public health measures likecleaner water and air, better education, and improved standards ofliving such as houses that are warm and dry.
People still think: why do we age at all? Answer isn't easy, butwe can partly explain it. “Every day we suffer damage and don’tperfectly repair it,” says James Vaupel, “and this accumulation ofunrepaired damage is what causes age-related disease”.
For the end: worldwide, the number of centenarians predicted toincrease 10-fold between 2010 and 2050.
More information here:


Paweł Sztabiński 

6 komentarzy:

  1. This is really usefull text. I am going to use this tips in my life.

  2. Julia Frelik8 maja 2014 11:42

    In my opinion this text is interesting and instructive.Worth the time to think about it.

  3. In my opinion this text ist very interesing and usefull :-).

  4. Text is very good – short and to the point, not as in many other articles.

  5. The text is very interesting and useful. I will try to live by these rules and I suggest others to do the same.

  6. In my opinion interesing and usefull text
