sobota, 17 maja 2014

Eurovision 2014

On Saturday, 10th May there was the 59th annual of Eurovision Song Contest. It was in Copenhagen, Denmark. The shows were presented by Lise Rønne, Nikolaj Koppel and Pilou Asbæk.

In final, there were participating 26 countries, including Poland, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Norway and Italy.

Poland was represented by Cleo and Donatan with song “My Słowianie”. They were in the half of the way to get the award. I think that was one of the best Polish performance I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, they didn’t win the Eurovision. Australia did. It was represented by Conchita Wurst with song “Rise like a Phoenix”. Second prize won The Netherlands, represented by The Common Linetts with song “Calm after the storm”. The third place took Sanna Nielsen from Sweden. She was singing “Undo”.

Conchita is controversial. Drag queen with beard? That’s a novelty in show business. But I don’t understand people that say she shouldn’t win. Why? Because she’s eccentric? It’s not important! It’s her lifestyle. Everybody can look how he wants. We have to grade the song, not the look.

Kasia Szczygieł

1 komentarz:

  1. To coś nie powinno wygrać bo głos to ma przeciętny, jedyne czym się wyróżnia to tym, że jest transem z brodą. :) Wstyd wystawiać tego typu dziwadła jako reprezentację kraju.
