sobota, 5 kwietnia 2014

Can you die of a broken heart?

Can you die of a broken heart?

Extreme emotion can be a killer, says Jason G Goldman.
In 1986, a 44-year-old woman was admitted to Massachusetts General
Hospital. She felt fine all day, but in the afternoon she developed
extreme crushing pain in her chest. It's a classic sign of a heart
attack, but the puzzling thing was that she didn't suffer from
coronary heart disesase. It looked, from the outside, like a heart
attack, but it wasn't. Earlier that day, she had been informed that
her 17-year-old son had committed suicide.
For many years, doctors scorned the idea of a relationship between
psychology and physiology. But now we know that stress and extreme
emotions can impact the heart. It was wildlife biologists and
veterinarians who first noticed that extreme emotions can wreak havoc
on body physiology.

Paweł Sztabiński

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