środa, 9 kwietnia 2014

Book Review

"Przeklinam Cię, ciało" (eng. I curse you, body) is a story that was released in 2005 and written by Wanda Lachowicz.
It tells about young girl who struggles with anorexia and bulimia, because she can't stand the situations which are happening in her life...


We don't know her name, because she wanted to be anonymous writting the diary. She is very sensitive, she receives the reality stronger than other people do. When her parents get a divorce, everything falls and it seems not to be better never more. She misses her dad so much, but at the same time she hates him, because he left her and damaged her family. The girl falls into addictions - she drinks, smokes and wants to extremely lose her weight. She also doesn't have good relations with her mother - she thinks that the woman doesn't understand her as well as the fact that dad's leaving affected her from the inside. The teenager even starts to sell drugs - she needs money. She is alone at her new school and she still doesn't eat too much. One day she gets to the psychiatric hospital. The doctors try to help her pick up from the bottom in which she has been for months. But, unfortunately, she doesn't have a positive attitude to everything that people do for her...

Will she start living normally and leave the past behind...? Read this book, I recommend it to you today. You probably won't be disappointed and you will take it from your shelf again.

Natalia Korona

1 komentarz:

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