czwartek, 2 października 2014

„Salon dla maturzystów”

 „Salon dla maturzystów”

On Thursday (4th of September) all second and third classes from our school went to the University of Gdańsk, to see and learn more about many faculties which are
waiting for everyone who ends school and gets a very important document - leaving certificate.
Matura is coming soon - we must work harder than in previous years.
Our future depends on the result of the exam and we can't forget about it. I'm sure that it won't be easy, but giving up doesn't make sense; we have to deal with it, no matter what happens.
In Gdańsk there were many stands, where we could talk with very nice
and helpful people. They were talking about fields of study, how to get to the univeristy, they also gave us some leaflets and newspapers, where we could find information about matura exam.
This university is really big and modern! It has many floors, rooms like conference halls where our government deliberates. It is situated in Oliwa - it's one of the districts in Gdańsk. I really enjoyed this happening called 'salon for graduates', the other students think similarly. I also think that it is the best way to show forthcoming students how everything works at univeristy. I definitely want to go there once again in order to feel like a real student and meet those cheerful young people.

Natalia Korona

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