niedziela, 19 października 2014

Diergaarde Blijdorp - The biggest zoo in Europe.

The biggest zoo in Europe.

At first I want to say that I have crazy parents in a positive way of course :) Our family didn't have any plans for holiday so we spent all July at home. And one really hot day mum entered my room and told me that we were going to the Netherlands. I was shocked, but I gave a smile and said Ok. I thought that was a joke but it wasn't.

 In a few days we were going to the Netherlands. Our journey last about 18 hours, but it wasn't boring. My sister and I were reading or sleeping and mum was sleeping only. So I can say that the travel was really fast. Our hotel was in Venray. We were there 4 days, and we decided to visit 2 most popular cities in the country, which are Rotterdam and Amsterdam. And now I want to tell you something about the first one.  

Before our trip I read a lot about the biggest zoos in Europe and I found information connected with Rotterdam Zoo or Diergaarde Blijdorp. I love animals but I am afraid of frogs and all family and friends can say that. I have 4 dogs, cat, rabbit and  also in the past I had mouse. So I told parents about this zoo and they agreed to see it.  
And it happened.

This Zoo is one of Netherland´s biggest attractions. Over one and a half million visitors visit the zoo every year. The animals live there in their simulated habitats. If you go to Rotterdam Zoo, you should prepare for many hours of walking.

Diergaarde Blijdorp has many different parts where animals from all over the word live. There’s a savanna, a gorilla island, a crocodile river, a bat cave, a tropical park with elephants and an ice cave where you can see polar bears swimming. One of the most amazing is the Oceanium, a 22 meters long tunnel across the bottom of the sea, where you can meet a lot of marine and coastal animals, such as sharks, turtles, sea otters, puffins and king penguins.

In this park are many restaurants where visitors can try food from every continent and local delicacy. Also children can find something for them because Zoo has interactive equipment which everyone can touch. Next thing for the youngest are amazing and huge playgrounds.     

For me this visit was one of the best moments in my life because I normally don't have a chance to see so many different species. I can only watch them on television, but it isn't the same.  When I saw baby elephant or baby seal which were fed by mums I felt something incredible, I know it is stupid but, I started crying (all me). In the end I want to say that if you have an opportunity to be in Rotterdam, I really recommend visit Diergaarde Blijdorp.

I hope you enjoy :D


sobota, 18 października 2014

Taiwan imposes tougher penalties for food violations

Taiwan imposes tougher penalties for food violations

Taiwan's government says it will impose harsher penalties for food safety violations after a "gutter oil" scandal.

Offenders will face seven years in prison for lacing food with banned substances or falsifying ingredients. If the violation results in death they could be jailed for life and face higher fines.
Tainted oil

An investigation found that the company had sold 782 tonnes of tainted oil, collected from cookers and grease traps, mixed with lard oil to customers.
Hundreds of tonnes of snacks, instant noodles and dumplings have been removed from shelves in Taiwan and Hong Kong since the violation was revealed.
The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says the government is being blamed for being lax in managing food safety.
The new measures also include more monitoring of food producers and a hotline for reporting offences to the government

Justyna Golder, Asia Opiela

Book Review

I, Robot is a collection of 9 stories about robots. It was written by Isaac Asimov and first published by Gnome Press in 1950. Nowadays it has millions of fans and is well known in most of countries.
Doctor Susan Calvin tells the stories to a reporter during an interview. All histories are about the interaction of humans and robots. The most important thing is that robots are liable to Three Laws of Robotics:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
First story is an introduction to the world of machines which evolved from silenced robots to intelligent creatures, that can’t be controlled by U.S. Robots. In other stories we can read about robots in many situations, f. ex. as a baby sitter, on the space station or as a politician.
Isaac Asimov shows that robots with artificial intelligence are dangerous for humanity. That is because they think that people can’t take care of themselves. The worst thing is that newest robots can look exactly like humans. People won’t be able to distinguish robots from humans.

In my view I’ Robot is a great collection of stories. Some are funny, others are exhilarating, but all of them are very interesting. I couldn’t stop reading this book until the end. I can recommend it for everyone, even for those, who don’t like reading.

Grzegorz Cieśla  

czwartek, 2 października 2014

„Salon dla maturzystów”

 „Salon dla maturzystów”

On Thursday (4th of September) all second and third classes from our school went to the University of Gdańsk, to see and learn more about many faculties which are
waiting for everyone who ends school and gets a very important document - leaving certificate.
Matura is coming soon - we must work harder than in previous years.
Our future depends on the result of the exam and we can't forget about it. I'm sure that it won't be easy, but giving up doesn't make sense; we have to deal with it, no matter what happens.
In Gdańsk there were many stands, where we could talk with very nice
and helpful people. They were talking about fields of study, how to get to the univeristy, they also gave us some leaflets and newspapers, where we could find information about matura exam.
This university is really big and modern! It has many floors, rooms like conference halls where our government deliberates. It is situated in Oliwa - it's one of the districts in Gdańsk. I really enjoyed this happening called 'salon for graduates', the other students think similarly. I also think that it is the best way to show forthcoming students how everything works at univeristy. I definitely want to go there once again in order to feel like a real student and meet those cheerful young people.

Natalia Korona

środa, 1 października 2014

The world of the vampires

Have you seen series „The Vampire Diaries”? If yes, you’re lucky. If not, we gonna show you, what it is about. Are you interested in vampires? No? You don’t have to! Because in a moment we will make that you will love them!

This series is based on books, which were written by L.J.Smith in 1991. But this series is totally different than this books.

The action takes place in a small town Mystic Falls. The main character is Elena Gilbert. Series begins four months after her parents death. The girl and her younger brother are trying to forget about that. With the begining of the new school year, Elena and her friends are really interested in new, handsome and mysterious boy in the school- Stefan Salvatore. They don’t know that he is a half century vampire, who tries to live like a normal person. He also has a brother, who is personification of violence and brutal vampire. Now they both- one good, one bad, are trying to win Elena’s heart.

If you want to know characters of this series, we can tell you something about them.
Elena Gilbert has brown hair and eyes,she is very slim and fit.At the beginning of the series she is lost and shy seventeen girl. Thanks to her friends we can see her other face, which is happy and smiling. She writes a diary, where she saves her all secrets. In series her role plays Nina Dobrev, young actress.

Stefan Salvatore is 162 years old vampire. He leads solitary live when he mets Elena. Stefan is handsome, tall, blond man, who tries not to meet people. In this role we can watch Paul Wesley, who is the Polish. Before he left to the USA, his name was Paweł Wasilewski. His grandparents are still living in Poland and sometimes he meets them.

Damon Salvatore- Stefan’s older brother. Charming, handsome and blue eyed vampire. Women always fall in love with him.

We watch this series because there are a lot of romanic scenes, but also a lot of action and fickle twists. There is a lot of blood and supernatural creatures. We think that it isn’t series only for teenagers, you can watch it in every age. After  first episode you will want more and more… <3 <3 <3   

                         Natalia Pankau, Aleksandra Kloc