wtorek, 16 września 2014

Welcome readers after holiday’s break!

As you noticed, this break had passed very fast and now we have to come back to school and start our deep learning again. Maybe you would like to share with us your own adventures connected with summertime. Email address you can find below. But first… (no no.. not let we take a selfie) let us write something about our vacation.

Do you know where we spend our holidays? No, not Egypt..not Croatia…not Turkey… We choosed splendid United Kingdom. Why? Because we wanted to improve our language skills and find out something interesting about history, culture and daily life of this country. We found very attractive offer on one of the Internet’s web sides and we decided to take it. As we told you before, we thought about spending our holidays in both useful and funny way. We went to language course in London which provided us 4 lessons per day and some “trips”. Our journey started in the second week of August. First week we spent in a small town called Ilkeston which is located near Derby and Nottingham. These 7 days weren’t included in our course so we spent this time on our own, mainly on shopping.:) And next week we went to London and it tourned out to be the week of disappointment…

First of all, we choosed accommodation in a host family which had to provide us a room, bathroom and day’s meals. These people were very friendly, kind, pleasant… but they were a lot tight-fisted… We mean that all the time we were very hungry and thirsty because we only get cornflakes on breakfast and one sandwich for all day. What about dinner? Pizza from freezer was very delicious…;/ Because of it we had to visit all McDonalds in the surrounding area so don’t be shocked that we put some weight.

The next point is that our “trips” weren’t real trips like it was written in the offer. In our opinion sightseeing should be organize with a guide or a person who is able to tell us something about visited place. Trips from this office looked like this that teamers took us by the underground to choosed place, told us how much time we have and let us on our own. Because of it we didn’t found out any historical facts and we didn’t have an opportunity to expand our knowledge.

To not complain any more right now we are going to tell you some positive aspects of our journey. The best things during our holiday were English lessons which were leaded by native speakers. It’s worth to mention that our contact with British people helped us to improve our accent and pronunciation of many words. Now we know on what we should pay our attention and how much time we must spend on further learning. In our opinion this part of our trip (English lessons) was the most important because it was the main reason of the course

At first we were a little fed up because of negative aspects but we must admit that we met there a lot of kind people from all around the world with who we hope having further contact. After this journey our dictionaries of words are much bigger. We have lovely memories which will stay with us all life long.

All the best !

Ola & Ala <3

e-mail address: holalola05@gmail.com

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