środa, 11 czerwca 2014

Educational system in Poland

Educational system in Poland is quite different than in other countries. It differs from others not only with time on which students have to attend to school, but also with the method of assessment.


At first, children attend kindergarten (until they are 6 or 7), but not always, because Poland is introducing a new law claiming that children at the age of 6 should go to primary school. Kindergarten lasts for one year and after this time child goes to primary school, which takes six years. During the first three years the assessment consists of some descriptive grades, something like “very good” or “try again”. In years 4-6 assessment looks quite typically – children get grades from 1 to 6 where 1 is the worst and 6 is the best grade. In 6th year, students take their final exam.

After primary school, children have to attend middle school, which lasts three years. The assessment is the same like in primary school (1-6 grades). After three years students also take their final exam, something like school-leaving examination in secondary school.

After middle school, students have to choose one of secondary school. It lasts three or four years – in Poland we have three-years-long secondary school or four-years-long technical college, which give an opportunity to get A-level certificate and profession certificate.


After finishing secondary school students must choose – go to work or continue studying. Studying lasts at least three years, it depends on field of study we choose. A lot of universities use a Bologna system of assessment consisting of getting ECTS points, which is required to get a certificate. Students can also go to a vocational college after secondary school which is not requiring the A-level. It teaches a profession, which takes smaller amount of time. 

wtorek, 10 czerwca 2014

World’s riskest roads

World’s riskest roads

Rohtang Pass, India –
Rohtang means literally, “pile of corpses”. That name comes from deadly mudslides that often cover the 4km-high road in the eastern Himalayas. This is the area of unpredictable weather, including snowstorms and sudden avalanches.

Transfăgărășan Road, Romania –
Transfăgărășan means across Făgărășan Mountains in Romania. It is 90km of hairpin turns and dramatic descents. It was built as a military route in case of an invasion, the road connects the two tallest mountains in the Southern Carpathians, Moldoveanu and Negoiu, and ascends a total of 2,034m in altitude.

Prithvi Highway, Nepal –
Running from Katmandu to Pokhara this road pasts beautiful sights such as Annapurna. But cost of this view can be potentially high. You can see vehicles that have ended up in the river chasms. Foley, a Las Vegas resident, said the “joy ride” was well worth it one way – but decided to catch a plane back to Kathmandu rather than pressing her luck twice.

Kolyma Highway, Siberia –
Locals know that road as “Trassa” – simply “The Route” – because in this desolate, frozen region of eastern Siberia, it is the only main road. Another nickname for the highway, “the road of bones”, because of its tragic history: it was built by the hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. After the road fell into disrepair for decades, today, the 2,031km route is still known as the “world’s coldest road”.

Guoliang Tunnel, China –
For decades, the tiny cliff top village of Guoliang, was reachable only by climbing the mountain on foot. From 1972 to 1977 residents of local village used explosives and shovels to dig 1.2km tunnel. Dangerous to build, the route is also dangerous to drive. This tunnel is placed on the top of the cliff and is 4m wide and particularly treacherous after rains, when it can become very slippery. 

czwartek, 5 czerwca 2014



When the sun begins shining freckles appear on face. A lot of people don't like them. Don't worry! Not only people have freckles. Cookies too! ;D So if you don't like your freckles, this recipe is for you! You'll see that freckles are sweet and they look good not only on the cookies but also on the face.


~1 cube of butter
~1 glass of sugar
~2 ¼  glass of flour
~2 eggs
~teaspoon baking powder
~crushed chocolate
~raisins, delicacies
~ teaspoon vanilla extract
~pinch of salt

Step 1
Butter blend to a fluffy mass

Step 2
Add sugar, eggs and beat well

Step 3
Add the remaining ingredients and combine

Step 4
On a baking tray lay walnut-sized balls

Step 5
Bake at 190°C about 12 minutes